image of a woman meditating in nature to illustrate page about stress management

Stress Management involves a wide variety of techniques – including coaching, counselling, visualisation, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) – to help you reduce and prevent the problems created by your stress. Because I understand all aspects of stress, and its impact on your mind, body and life, I can take a wide-ranging approach to help you find your unique solution.

You can certainly do things alone to help reduce the effects of stress, and they are always worthwhile.

But they are not always enough.

Stress Management is provided at The Loft by Debbie Waller, so when “struggling through” or “coping” is simply not good enough – get in touch

What Does Stress Management Involve?

I can show you how to take a proactive approach to reducing and preventing stress. Among other things, this might include

  • building confidence
  • improving interpersonal skills
  • relaxation
  • assertiveness training
  • anger management
  • time management

Together, we can create a stress management programme to suit your wants, needs, personality and circumstances: this choice and creativity lead to better, faster results.

And I can teach you all the skills you need to help yourself, empowering you and giving you confidence that you are back in control. Not just for now, but for the future too.

Enquiries and Bookings

Call Debbie on +44977678593

Or contact me via my website,

Debbie’s other services at The Loft are hypnotherapy, BLAST (EMDR), and therapy training.